Step by step: How to debug your compiled application

1. Run the debugger: menu Start / Programs / VB Watch 2 / VB Watch Debugger.
2. Click the Options... button in the toolbar and make sure the plan you want to use is selected (Full debugging is suggested).
To edit or examine it, press the Open VB Watch Control Center... button.

3. Click the Debug Project... button on the left and browse for your project you wish to debug.
If you do not have a project ready, you can load the following test project:\Program Files\VB Watch 2\Samples\VB6\Debugger Sample\Sample Group.vbg.

Here is all what happens:

4. This is finished. Now you can use the debugger on your actual application. If you loaded the sample project group, you may refer to the VB Watch Debugger guided tour Step 4 for more information.

What do you want to know more about?

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VB Watch Debugger Reference

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VB Watch Debugger Guided Tour